Monday 31 March 2014

Katja Fink - Dengue Virus and Immune Cell Activation

Monday 14th April, Katja Fink from the Singapore Immunology Network will be visiting and presenting some of her data at 4pm In the Research Beehive (room 2.22), Newcastle University.

Katja’s talk is entitled:


"Skin-associated dengue infection and immune cell activation”  and is she is being hosted by Muzz Haniffa, so please contact her if you wish to speak with Katja whilst she is at Newcastle.


Dengue virus causes an estimated 100 million clinically apparent infections each year and has become the most important mosquito-borne viral infection in the
world. Target cells of the virus include dendritic cells (DCs), monocytes andmacrophages. The human skin harbors distinct types of DCs, which include epidermal
Langerhans cells (LCs) and three different subsets of dermal DCs: CD14+, CD11c+and CD141+ dermal DCs (DDCs), each with a specific functional role. We
infected healthy human skin obtained during plastic surgery ex vivo todefine the cells targeted during a natural infection. Our results revealed that CD14+ and CD11c+
DDCs subsets were infected efficiently, resulting in the high induction of IFN-beta andSTAT1 as measured by nanostring. Interestingly, dengue infection seemed to have an
inhibitory role on DC function. The potential relevance of our findings fordengue pathogenesis will be discussed.


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