Wednesday 4 October 2017

Fw: Centre for Health & Bioinformatics - Visiting Lecturer - 05 October 2017 at 16.00




Centre for Health & Bioinformatics


Dr Boguslaw Obara


Associate Professor

School of Engineering and Computing Sciences

Durham University,


05 October 2017


16.00 – Dental Lecture Theatre F, Faculty of Medical Sciences


BioImage Informatics: Where BioImaging Meets Computer Science

Recent advances in imaging technologies are now enabling us to acquire image data, where the sheer size and complexity of the data exceeds the capacity of human analysis, creating a fundamental barrier that hinders the potential impact of imaging-enabled biology.  New revolutions in the field can be made possible only by developing the tools, technologies and workflows to extract and exploit information from imaging data so as to achieve new fundamental biological insights and understanding, as well as developing possible strategies in biotechnological applications.

We are proposing to integrate bioimaging data and bioimage informatics to investigate the multi-scale topology and dynamics of complex biological systems.  We have developed a wide range of high-throughput image processing approaches specifically designed to enhance, extract, analyse and model a wide range of biological structures, including molecules, plant cells and their organelles, pollen tubes, fungal and cytoskeletal networks, leaves, and many more, from multidimensional images obtained by a wide spectrum of bioimaging modalities




Followed by:

Post lecture networking at 17.00light refreshments available



To attend the lecture, please book a place at:




Monday 2 October 2017


Please note the earlier than usual start time of 12.00noon.




PI Seminar Series


Speaker:         Professor Brigitta Stockinger, Francis Crick Institute

Venue:            Baddiley Clark Seminar Room

Date:         Monday 2nd October 2017

Time:                 12.00 – 13.00



Professor Gitta Stockinger will present:


"Environmental influences on intestinal homeostasis and inflammation"







Chair: Professor Muzz Haniffa



TEDx is coming to Newcastle University!

After only three days of recruitment at the Newcastle Societies Fair, we have had 460 people express their interest in TEDxNewcastleUniversity society. 

So, as a result, we are having two taster sessions:

Wednesday 7pm & Thursday 6pm 

@Kings Gate level 1 (Career Service area)

FREE for all!

Come along to check it our if you are still deciding joining us!

You will also have a chance to get to know what the society is all about and see all the amazing opportunities available to you through TEDx. We will introduce ourselves and our aims for this year as well as tell you a bit more about how you can get involved in TEDx conference in March!

Please click the button below to join our Facebook group for updates on everything that is happening at TED world straight to your News Feed.
Also visit our Taster Session event page for more information and click on "GOING" so we know the appoximate number of people who are going to turn up.

Click here for TEDxNewcastleUniversity Taster Session event

How do you join the TEDx SOCIETY?
It is just £5 to join the TEDx society and become a member.

Visit our NUSU page put membership to your basket and continue with the payment :)

The quicker you pay to join the society, the more money we get to hold awesome sessions!

This includes:
1. FREE entry to all of our workshops and sessions (involving live speakers!)

2. FREE beverages and snacks provided in our sessions
3. FREE or discounted entry to all of our socials

4. DISCOUNTED entry along with other benefits in the TEDxNewcastleUniversity conference in March 2018!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. We hope to see you at the taster!

The TEDx Newcastle University Society committee ðŸ˜Š