Saturday 24 October 2015

RA and Diabetes Special

ICM Research Seminar
Speakers: Laura Ridgley, PhD Student (Prof John Isaacs/Amy Anderson)
Katrin Jaedicke, NIHR Fellow
Dr Amy Anderson, Research Associate
Venue: Dental Lecture Theatre F, Dental School
Date and Time:  Wednesday 28th October 2015 13.00 pm – 14.00 pm
Laura Ridgley will discuss:
Understanding aberrant CD4+ T-cell signalling in early rheumatoid arthritis.
Katrin Jaedicke will discuss:
Do diabetic patients with periodontitis benefit from self-monitoring their periodontal inflammation profile?
A feasibility study.
Amy Anderson will discuss:
Age-associated B cells in rheumatoid arthritis
Chair: Kile Green, PhD Student.

Monday 19 October 2015

Tackling Fatigue: Multi-Disciplinary Teams at the CRESTA Clinic

Fatigue is a debilitating symptom affecting quality of life and ability to perform daily activities, and is experienced by up to 70% of patients with rheumatological diseases. Many patients do not feel their fatigue is appropriately managed by their medical teams, and no services up until this point enabled patients with chronic
fatigue, irrespective of their longterm physical health condition, to access a multidisciplinary team. The CRESTA Fatigue Clinic was formed in response to this unmet need. It is a novel approach to treating on symptom based,
not disease-based, criteria. It has proved successful and we suggest it is the future of managing fatigue in chronic


Rebecca L Lambson, Julia L Newton, Victoria Strassheim, Zoe M Gotts, Vincent Deary, Katie L Hackett 2015 The evolution of the Newcastle CRESTA Fatigue Clinic: a unique NHS multidisciplinary approach to fatigue. Journal of Rheumatology Occupational Therapy, 29, 7-11.




Thursday 8 October 2015

Systemic Autoinflammatory Diseases - 19th October




Dr Sinisa Savic

Consultant Clinical Immunologist and honorary Clinical Associate Professor,

St James's University Hospital, Leeds




Baddiley Clark Seminar Room


Monday 19th October 2015


13.00 – 14.00pm



Dr Sinisa Savic, MBBS, MRCP, MSc, MRCP (London), FRCPath, PhD will present:


Systemic autoinflammatory disorders:

pathophysiology and diagnosis in routine clinical practice



One of his main clinical and research interest is pathophysiology, diagnosis treatment of autoinflammatory conditions. His work in this area was initially focused on the pathogenesis of TNF Receptor periodic fever syndrome. More recently he has evaluated use of anakinra (anti-IL-1 biologic) in diagnosis of patients with undifferentiated (genetically undefined) autoinflammatory syndromes.


For the purposes of this meeting his presentation will include a brief overview of the principles which define the concept of autoinflammation. He will also present some of his work on the pathophysiology of TRAPS. He will talk about the crossover between of autoinflammation and autoimmunity and the role of these processes in the pathogenesis of more common conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.


Chair:  Dr Desa Lilic




Friday 2 October 2015

Medicine in the Information Age



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Lecture invitation





Newcastle University Medical School:


Wednesday 4 November 2015





Medicine in the Information Age
Professor Andrew Morris FRSE FMedSci






You are invited to attend a lecture by Professor Andrew Morris FRSE FMedSci, who will be giving a talk titled `Medicine in the Information Age' at Newcastle University Medical School on Wednesday 4 November 2015 at 17:00.


Professor Morris is Professor of Medicine; Director of the Usher Institute for Population Health Sciences and Informatics and Vice Principal, Data Science, at the University of Edinburgh, having taken up position in August 2014. Prior to this he was Dean of Medicine at the University of Dundee.


He is seconded as Chief Scientist at the Scottish Government Health Directorate which supports and promotes high quality research aimed at improving the quality and cost-effectiveness of services offered by NHS Scotland and securing lasting improvements to the health of the people of Scotland.


The lecture will begin at 17:00 and will be followed by a drinks reception. 


I do hope you will be able to join us for this interesting evening and ask you to reserve the date in your diaries.  


With best wishes,

Professor Christine Harrison FMedSci





17:00, Wednesday 4 November 2015


David Shaw Lecture Theatre

The Medical School

Newcastle University

Framlington Place

Newcastle Upon Tyne NE2 4AB 






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