Monday 29 January 2018

ICM Research Seminar - Wednesday 31st January - Dental Lecture Theatre F - 1pm

This could be interesting... 





ICM Research Seminar

Wednesday 31st January


Khalil Elgendy

(Prof John Mathers, Dr Fiona Malcomson)

DNA methylation as a biomarker of colorectal cancer risk: evaluation of surrogate tissues

This research project aims to investigate the relationship between DNA methylation in different tissues (longitudinal and cross-sectional approaches) in context of colorectal cancer (CRC) risk which may have an impact on development of more informative biomarkers for assessment of CRC risk and potential use as surrogate outcomes in studies of CRC prevention.


Dr Peter Vegh

(Prof Muzlifah Haniffa)

Application of single-cell RNA analysis in immunology

Modern sequencing technologies allow us to individually measure the transcriptomes of thousands of cells from the same sample. As the transcriptome is a good reflection of cell type and function, we employ this approach to examine the composition of human tissues, with a particular focus on the immune system. This presentation describes the workflow and illustrates its use in our study of healthy human skin. Our aim is to map and catalogue cell heterogeneity, an important step to understanding the immune system.


Chair: Carl Dale

Dental Lecture Theatre F, Medical School 1pm - 2pm




Monday 15 January 2018

Mass spectrometry and proteomics: All you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask.

Matthias Trost, the new Professor of Proteomics, would like to invite all institute PGR students, post-docs and PIs to attend a lecture series on the basics in mass spectrometry and proteomics that he is presenting as part of the Faculty's PGR Development Programme



The lectures cover what Matthias considers the absolute basics in mass spec and proteomics, including the newest methods developed in the last years. The aim would be that this basic knowledge will help you designing better experiments and understand possibilities as well as limitations of proteomics.


PGR students should register attendance in the usual manner ( so that the session appears in your eportfolio. Post-docs and PIs do not need to register.


Mon Jan 22nd 2018, 15:00               (Mass spec basics 1 – basic of mass measurement, ionisation techniques) Dental Lecture Theatre E

Mon Jan 29th 2018, 15:00                (Mass spec basics 2 – mass analysers, detectors, tandem mass spectrometry) RB Green Lecture Theatre, Dental School

Mon Feb 5th  2018, 15:00                (Mass spec basics 3 – fragmentation techniques, hybrid instruments) Dental Lecture Theatre E

Mon Feb 12th 2018, 15:00               (Proteomics basics 1 – what is proteomics?, sample preparation, experimental design) Dental Lecture Theatre F

Mon Feb 19th 2018, 15:00               (Proteomics basics 2 – search engines, databases, FDR, data analysis, data visualisation, quantification techniques) Dental Lecture Theatre C

Mon Feb 26th 2018, 15:00               (Proteomics basics 3 – fractionation techniques, phosphorylation and other PTMs) Dental Lecture Theatre E


Immunology North East Meeting

We are very excited to announce our first seminar of 2018 which will be on Thursday the 18th January at 4pm in the Research Beehive room 2.22 at Newcastle University. Tea and coffee will be provided from 3:30pm.


We are delighted to welcome:


Professor Adrian Hayday PhD FRS, F MedSci

Glendinning Professor of Immunobiology, King's College London & co-Lead, Clinical Academic Grouping, Genetics Rheumatology Infection Immunology & Dermatology King's Health Partners & Senior Group Leader, The Francis Crick Institute, London


Talk title:

In search of natural tissue-immunosurveillance: the roles of epithelial butyrophilins




Adrian Hayday trained as a biochemist, did his PhD studies in tumour virology, and pursued post-doctoral training at MIT where he characterised chromosome translocation breakpoints in human B cell lymphomas, and helped identify gamma delta (gd) T cells by being the first to describe gd TCR genes. On the Faculty at Yale University, he helped show that gd T cells occupy a distinct niche in lymphocyte biology, including disproportionate association with tissues rather than with lymphoid organs, and rapid responses to tissue-'stress'. At a time when tumour immune surveillance was not widely accepted, his lab showed that mice lacking gd T cells are more susceptible to carcinogens. His group returned to London in 1998 to establish the Peter Gorer Dept of Immunobiology at King's College London, then joined the Cancer Research UK London Research Institute (now part of the Francis Crick Institute) as a joint appointee in 2009. In recent years, his group has developed a strong programme in human immunology, including clinical trials applying gd T cells in immunotherapy. Amongst many honours, in 1997 he became the first biologist to win the William Clyde DeVane Medal, Yale College's prestigious prize for scholarship, and he was awarded a FRS in 2016.




Recent publications: